Sunday, July 3, 2011

Learning to enjoy myself...

Was on the beach having coffee with wife this morning. Sitting on the beach-chair, thinking of what we're doing and what we're going to do later. As we were discussing, I realized how easy I was in getting myself busy even with the idea of relaxation...

Earlier, while trying to do my daily bible-reading, the temptation of the hurried-mind created a mental block in getting the insights I needed to fuel my soul.

Therefore, I decided, while taking the swing, to let things be as it is. I guess it has to start from letting things go as it should. I use to believe there is no such thing as letting nature take its flow as everything must/should have it's purpose and as industrious human-beings, we ought to take charge and manage. Well, however true that conviction may-be...NOT APPLICABLE TO HOLIDAYS!!! :)

As such, we took it easy.. I went on upload photos, did some emails, watching the opposite unit watching TV, listening to Joanne Wang and Diana Krall while wife took a dip on the tub. Hmm.. what a peaceful and easy-going sunday afternoon...

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