Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Learning 'not to know...' or is it 'act-blurr'?

The Art of living longer... Is it simply just to act-blurr and choose not to know?
Why do we strive to know more, get higher education, learn more skills for? Simply to get a job or is there a higher calling to why is there a need to acquire greater wisdom and knowledge...

Something to think about:
Do you pay someone who is certified more versus one who isn't but is more passionate than the one who is certified...? and Why?

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lesson on Management Vs Leadership

I like what My Boss taught me on the difference between management and leadership and its difference. I always thought that in an ideal world where everyone is a good leader, no management will be required.

"Management is like a conductor orchestrating music with his group of musicians. The conductor is a good manager, whereas a good leader is one musician who is good with his instrument and music. You can have many maestros in the orchestra, but you'll need a manager to pull it off together to make a fantastic show."

Well I realized that even in an ideal world, some management is required. Of-course since a good leader is naturally a good follower, it'll be much easier to lead and manage such a group. Less management headaches that involves people to people issues.

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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Learning about how to be a good person

"No good man ever lived long, and no good man ever lived a good life."
- By all the bad man in the world.. :)

Do we all agree with this statement?

I had a hang-out session with my group of friends and they were all chatting about how they were mistreated at work by nasty colleagues and whenever they try to do something good, something bad always try to get in the way to affect them. Is that something similar in your life?

So the question is, will you stay 'good' or be 'bad' so that you won't be taken advantage of...

I reckon that we live in a cruel world. In this world, we learn to live life the hard-way. We have to work hard to earn money, and in doing so, every meal we have on our table is hard-earned. Does it pay well then to be a good man?

I am not trying to be negative, however, it is a real question to all of us who desires to do what is good and yet find it so difficult to live a life like one.

Even Jesus had to go to the cross and die for our sin as a sin-less man....

Lessons I learnt about responsibilities

My friend asked me if he gets himself engrossed over computer games in life, what will be the cause of it?

Now I thought that is a very interesting question.. Considering that people who dwell themselves in computer games are often living in delusion.

I wondered for a while, told him the most honest answer I learnt in the day.. "I don't know," and he smiled.

Gave some thought to it, and I realized that perhaps my friend did not have much to think about. Responsibilities usually occupy one's mind.

Come to think of it, why do we play lots of games only when we were younger and not when we get older? And why does life only gets more tough and busy? Life was always more care-free before!

People says it comes with age. I realized it is the responsibilities in life that crowds our lives. And like it or not, it will only get heavier. I guess that is why God invented a life partner, to help carry each-others' load/responsibilities in life.

I believe I have much to learn about this lesson. More to come!

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