Saturday, August 30, 2008

Something about Love and Our Soul

I learnt something from the movie Wall-E this evening.
Well actually, the movie shed some truths about man-kind for me. But before I get into the abstracts of the different things that was brought up, I just want to share something closer to home.

Lesson 01: Our Soul is what gives us hope, faith and ability to Love

I realized that no amount of system, no amount of programming, no amount of procedures can replace human beings capability to feel. Our minds and strengths are inter-twined with our capability to hope, have faith and extend it to love, which allows us to be far more superior than machines.

we may live a life of routine, but in every single chore we carry out, there is an element of hope (if it turns out bad, it can be better), faith (i know i don't see it now, but i know i will see it later), and love (what definition does this characteristics need?)

I liked the part in Wall-E where robots are just robots with a set of instructions to follow. However, even when everything is 'fried' (just like human, when we're really-really sick), our ability to feel, to have hope and faith, is simply beyond any medical marvel (organ transplant, tissues regeneration, cure for cancer)...

Bottom-line, we may feel useless sometimes, in-competent, non-beneficial to the society, useless, of no benefit to people around, or burden... Put these negative characteristics aside, simply being human, is able to inspire, persevere, love, hope, believe.... Isn't it wonderful to be a human!

Lesson 02: Love is so strong, that even when Robots sees us, they get impacted!

One thing I realized from the show is that we as humans may invent things, give instructions, create machines, computers, robots as tools to help us do the chores that we've set them to do. But, we never program, tried programming, or make them to inspire, persevere, hope, have faith, love!

And the most amazing thing is, even while we did not configure them to do these or inhibit these qualities in them, by simply watching and observing, even a 'machine' understood and was able to identify, pick up, learn and apply into its artificial intelligence.

The best part, it comes without teaching nor instructing. One has to simply watch, and learn!

Bottom-line, if machines are able to watch and learn to love (or the lack of it), then what more our kids, our children, the little ones around us... They are watching your (my) every move in the way I exhibit these wonderful qualities...

Hope these 2 lessons I learnt today can be a blessing to you!

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

To Quit or Not to Quit

How do you define a moment whether or not we are to stop trying and quit, or persevere and hold on?

In the perspective of a Christian, I believe it's determined by God in the way He engineers situations and problems/issues. Question is, do we have then enough faith to believe and persevere?

What about any normal person who has no faith in a superior being in control of their lives? What would they base upon whether or not to quit or persevere?

After 1 minute of thoughts, I realized that it could be through:
1) Whether or not I am happy (Feelings)
2) Whether it benefits me anymore or not (Logic)
3) Whether it does any harm towards me (Self-beneficial, Health)
4) Whether it has any prospect (Self-beneficial, Dreams and goals)

Question is:
as a Christian, me in this case, should the reason I stick with staying or quitting be determined by these factors, or should these factors be over-ruled because of my faith?

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Monday, August 25, 2008

My Bucket List

My Bucket List (The List of things I want to do before I die!)

1) View something very maginificent
- Everest Base Camp

2) Write a book

3) Go through a pilgrimage route (hike for 14-days)

That's all for now I guess...
But I think what will make this very significant is to do it with the 2-Gs in my life. By then I hope one becomes a W.

Lesson Learnt: It's the moment, not the experience, which makes one event significant in our lives.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Focusedness in Life

I learnt something while watching handball olympics competition between Denmark and Korea this afternoon.

If I were appointed by the president/king to introduce handball in Singapore, to form a team to compete in the Olympics in 2020, how and where would I start?

Perhaps I would look at the primary school students, those who are in their early ages of pre-teen-hood and slightly over-teen-hood, otherwise, I would take MRT several times a day just to spot on a few people who might have been a suitable candidate for such a team. Challenge is, what kind of a player would I require to build this team?

Cut long story short, I may get him from people who plays rugby, or street-soccer, or hockey, perhaps even a goal keeper... They will be multi-talented and multi-skilled, and able to be versatile in their games... Most importantly, I must enable the team to function and live as a team, in their imperfect selves!

My point is not to build a team for Singapore to play hand-ball. But its about me. I realized that one can never be the expert for everything. One can never have enough time to accomplish so much 'perfection'! I look at my church leader/brother, who at 35, runs marathons, working on finishing a tri-athlon and so on. And in doing so, he channels what he wants to be good at, competitively and leisurely at that. I thought, what a fulfillment that will be, by being focused and content at the focus!

Conclusion: Lessons that I learnt today is I need to work on getting my focus. I am so oft battered by the 'wants' in life in terms of knowledge, that I miss out in what God has blessed / given me! Unless I am needed to play handball because there are simply no other players available, otherwise, I should work on what I do best, to continue in being the best in what I do!

So I decide to list down this list in the areas I want to do well, maintain consistency, but not to be the best, simply know how, so that I can enjoy:

1) Arts
- Learn to dance
- Learn to draw caricature
2) Music
- Learn how to play guitar
- Learn how to play harmonica better
- Learn how to sing properly
- Learn how to conduct
3) Engineering
- Learn assembly programming
- Learn PHP
- Learn Dot.Net
- Learn Ruby
- Learn digital processing
4) IT
- Be the best IT Geek around
- Get my MCSE
- Get my MCT
- Be an MVP
5) Sports
- Run a marathon
- Learn to swim free-style
6) Life skills
- Get my driving license
- Learn to teach better
- Learn how to present better

I Hope thats all....

Monday, August 18, 2008

Lessons I learnt when I was seventeen - Part 3

One Man can change a nation!
One day can change a year!
One moment, can change a lifetime!

Thank God I had these moments:
- I accepted an invitation to church
- I got baptized to Christ
- I returned a call to help BIS
- I asked April to be my GF

Why Study..

God gave us brain, and He gave us things. He gave us Maths as a tool so that with the things He provided, we can maximize and replicate, thus revering Him.

Its so that we may understand why God made things in a certain way, so that we can be grateful and appreciate of what's been given to us.

Things I learnt when I was seventeen...Part 2

The difference in the way things are put:
"Do you believe VS Will you give yourself a chance to believe"

"Working towards an impossible dream VS Not Achieving an Impossible Dream"


The Art of Giving!

God has given, and only God has the power to both give and take the blessings in our lives. In my opinion, I doubt he'll take it. Simply put, He has no need for it. Thing is, he can allow certain things to happen that can make me lose the blessings He'd given me. Idea is, how long am I holding on to God's blessings in my life.

The truth that we only will receive His fullness is only when we're self giving. Will His gifts destroy the very nature of our love for Him? Will the gifts makes us insecure? What does our gifts do to benefit others?

- I realized right now that when God bless, don't question. Take it, make full use of it, and when we get to heaven one day, we can have all the time to ask.

Being Perfect!

No one is perfect... and as humans, when we try to be perfect in anything in our lives, the outcome is we forsake others thus creating a flaw in perfection. Therefore, it's not beneficial to be 'perfect' for it brings selfishness into the picture.

Instead, use every opportunity to help others! Not for them to be perfect either, but to help them in their drive to attain perfection. In love, where its unconditional, we sought to help one another without expectations, and such is the perfection which we as human can work on.

- In short, our understanding and priority in achieving perfection is flawed. That is why I feel that sometimes, in our desire for perfection, we created other 'imperfect' qualities/bi-product that we are blinded from. However, if we put perfection in the way we love others... That will be beyond limit, beyond expectations and un-likely any imperfect-ness will come out from it.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Living Purpose-full Lives

Have you ever wondered if life is meant to just be 'lived', and whether there are anything more to it than 8 to 5 every-day, 7-days a week, holiday once a year, having kids, building a home...

I am not saying that there's anything wrong with living an ordinary..But perhaps, in view of the ordinary, we can make out something extra-ordinary in the midst of the motion of life.

Comfort and laziness are such thin lines we can so often, so easily, cross..

Look at it this way, I learnt today that in our struggle to be ordinary (just like our peers), is to live FULL and purpose-full lives.

Will give this some more thoughts...