Sunday, August 24, 2008

Focusedness in Life

I learnt something while watching handball olympics competition between Denmark and Korea this afternoon.

If I were appointed by the president/king to introduce handball in Singapore, to form a team to compete in the Olympics in 2020, how and where would I start?

Perhaps I would look at the primary school students, those who are in their early ages of pre-teen-hood and slightly over-teen-hood, otherwise, I would take MRT several times a day just to spot on a few people who might have been a suitable candidate for such a team. Challenge is, what kind of a player would I require to build this team?

Cut long story short, I may get him from people who plays rugby, or street-soccer, or hockey, perhaps even a goal keeper... They will be multi-talented and multi-skilled, and able to be versatile in their games... Most importantly, I must enable the team to function and live as a team, in their imperfect selves!

My point is not to build a team for Singapore to play hand-ball. But its about me. I realized that one can never be the expert for everything. One can never have enough time to accomplish so much 'perfection'! I look at my church leader/brother, who at 35, runs marathons, working on finishing a tri-athlon and so on. And in doing so, he channels what he wants to be good at, competitively and leisurely at that. I thought, what a fulfillment that will be, by being focused and content at the focus!

Conclusion: Lessons that I learnt today is I need to work on getting my focus. I am so oft battered by the 'wants' in life in terms of knowledge, that I miss out in what God has blessed / given me! Unless I am needed to play handball because there are simply no other players available, otherwise, I should work on what I do best, to continue in being the best in what I do!

So I decide to list down this list in the areas I want to do well, maintain consistency, but not to be the best, simply know how, so that I can enjoy:

1) Arts
- Learn to dance
- Learn to draw caricature
2) Music
- Learn how to play guitar
- Learn how to play harmonica better
- Learn how to sing properly
- Learn how to conduct
3) Engineering
- Learn assembly programming
- Learn PHP
- Learn Dot.Net
- Learn Ruby
- Learn digital processing
4) IT
- Be the best IT Geek around
- Get my MCSE
- Get my MCT
- Be an MVP
5) Sports
- Run a marathon
- Learn to swim free-style
6) Life skills
- Get my driving license
- Learn to teach better
- Learn how to present better

I Hope thats all....

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