Monday, July 28, 2008

Learning about 'how to measure life'

I watched the bucket list, well, the better end of it actually. I split the show up to 2 due to time constraint, and inputs into my mind, so that I can process it a little.

How do you want to measure life? Some say by faith, some, by love... For the author, its by people who are measured by him. I gave some thought to it, I guess mine will be measured by how God thinks of me.

Now is that faith? Is that obedience to His commandments (a.k.a. by law)? Or by a higher-standing, un-measurable and un-thinkable no matter the results...

The Egyptian heaven, as I learnt from the show, asks everyone who are about to enter 2 questions:
1) Have you had Joy in your life?
2) Have you made Joy in other peoples' lives?
My thought is: If life is all about my joy or other peoples' joy, we'll die 'an almost broken' man because all his life, joy will stand waiting in front of him, but he never got it only-till the moments he's about to die.

I realize one thing while writing these thoughts, some people may like to measure by what they see/feel or experience. Some others, with things un-seen and un-felt, simply because they do not have the opportunity to be what they want to be measured with.

For me, I know, I want to be measured not with the moments I have not lived, but by each moments I spent. I want to know that at each passing moment, I live like God's grace coats me under, brought me back up, and only with grace... I will live a life measured to my 100%, a life worth living!

Challenge is... can I maintain to live out this life the next 60 years...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Everyone wants to be a winner!

I learnt today that nobody wants to be a loser.
No matter what people shows on the outside, deep within, a certain coping mechanism will kick in to appease their conscience or thoughts, to help them overcome the feeling of losing.

In summary, no-body in this world, wants to lose in life!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Lessons Learnt from Games and Facial

I experienced that through playing games, one can learn the social skills necessary to go through life. I must say though, that one can get too engrossed to the point of forgetting the real identity of his or her own life!

I know of a guy who spent his life playing games. He turned out 'not-well' because of the way he led his games. He was the best, he thought highly of himself, and he feels like a champion through-out all the games that he plays. Generally, if he plays something, he must be the best, else he will not rest.

But life ain't like that. The Chinese has a saying, 'yi-shan-hai-you-bi-yi-shan-gao', one mountain, will always have another mountain higher, in direct translation. Something I thought applicable only in very tangible items such as wealth, intellect or skills. Eg, if you are good in programming, there is bound to be someone better than you.

Yet the truth hits home nearer than I thought! While going through life, in little things like understanding how to do facial, how the supermarket leases their space to the suppliers, how the political arena can be so un-fair, shows but one thing about knowledge; I can never know enough! And true to the saying, even though mountains to mountains, the himalayas reign, each will bore a story unique to its own. Though tall, it may be tall no more when its eroded.

Therefore, I learnt in life, generally, I ought not to aim to be the smartest...nor the most capable, nor most knowledgeable. What's most important that I should be focusing on, is knowing how to help others, how to work with others, how to learn from others, so that one can live a more joyful, meaningful and loving life!

Of course through all these, God is glorified!
(no wonder I have been losing in all my Dota games, trashed in my Travian Games..)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Definition of Perturbed relation to The Law of 2-Straws

I learnt a new word today called "Perturbed".
Definition from : To disturb greatly; make uneasy or anxious.
I guess there is a new word worth learning every-day!

One thing that struck me today was the law of 2-straws...
I once heard about how Colgate manage to turn their business from near-bankruptcy to multi-million simply by enlargive the hole of the tooth-paste tube by another 1-cm in diameter. I was inspired! Today, the law of 2-straws was birthed!

The law of 2 straws, defines, output with the same amount of effort, allows us to go beyond our psychological limitations. For example, when you drink from a fizzy freezing soft-drink, drinking from 2 straws makes a significant difference in speed as compared to drinking from 1 straw.

I know it's common sense, but considering the brain and sense of touch combining together to analyze whether we can take more of such excruciating coldness, it surprises me that our sense seems a little slow in realization.

How does it relate to my life?

For once, I am rather perturbed that it makes no difference to my already perplexed mind on what I need to work-on or fix... Yep, I am perturbed all-right...

Friday, July 11, 2008

Wisdom of my seventeens...

I found a book i wrote while I was seventeen and in search for a higher-truth!
Well I became a christian that year, but lots of questions kept bouncing up-and-down my head.. I was walking groggy, but managed to stay alive... Thank the Almighty!

Lesson 01:
God will speak to us... When we're humble to listen, mature enough to understand His words, (and the most amazing thing is) when we're desperate enough with wanting to take action.

Lesson 02:
The Price of Air, The presence of Love,
God's Omniscient and Omnipresent,
His invisibility... yet He is Love.

No wonder we feel so empty and lonely most of our lives...

Lesson 03:
How can we best glorify God's name...
Encouraging each other daily through:
1) Serving one another
2) Giving to one another
3) Sacrificing for one another

Moulding each other's character:
1) having deep talks with each other
2) building up each other
Knowing each other better:
1) sharing of God's wisdom
2) sharing of good news
3) helping one another know our weaknesses
4) knowing each other habits
5) intentionally deepening friendship

"Hell is a place where you cannot find death."

Better run far-far!

a. 5000 people die every hour
b. There is a Degree program in the Kingdom of God: A.U.G - Approved Unto God.

A prayer for the idleness in my life;
God, I pray, Light these idle-sticks in my life and may I burn up for Thee.
Consecrate my life, for it is Thine.
I seek not a long life but a full one like my Lord Jesus!

Hmm... no wonder I am so busy...

My own proud heart is fully aware now of its own self-exaltation,
A hypocrite clever to conceal what's really there,
Father, I have tried again and again to be silent and act soberly,
as a holy man ought to be, but with little or no results!

Father take my life, even my blood, if Thou wilt;
and consume it with thine evelopin fire.
I would not save it for it's not mine to save.
Have it Lord, have it all. Pour out my life as an oblation for the world.
Blood is only of value as it flows before thine altars...

now.. I am not sure if I prayed the above prayer...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Life's Greatest Moments

I was thinking through what will make up my life's greatest moments...
As I was typing through this entry thinking and recollecting all the events that happened today, I can't help but to realize how empty life can be some-times. Events may trigger joy/sadness from a single moment, allowing us to miss a day's worth of lessons in life.

A friend of mine told me that by the way I responded to a good offer, it seems to him that I may have been staying in Singapore for too long.

Maybe he's right (in a negative way), truly living in Singapore, with a life like mine, so often makes me miss these beautiful moments in my life... Perhaps not even miss, but disregard such beautiful moments altogether.

I had a short talk with my girlfriend just 30 minutes ago, and while we were ending our call, we repeatedly said "I Love You" almost 5 times to-and-fro in 3 minutes...

It now dawned upon me, how blessed I am, how blessed I have been...

Perhaps I now learnt, life's greatest moments, is not something to be searched for, nor it is something to be looked at. Realization, makes all the difference to the greatest moments in our lives.


I learnt about unforgiveness today. Basically, with unforgiveness, our lives is shortened, just like what C. S. Lewis puts it, its like drinking poison thinking that we're poisoning the other party.

Unforgiveness is a hidden pressure of stress, that is so often, simply waiting to burst out of our lives.

A friend explained that as long as there are any 3 of these things inside of us:
1) Resentment
2) Grudge
3) Revenge

We therefore are still in-too-deep with unforgiveness to the other party.

I also learnt that we can be spiritual, read lots of books, attend seminars on forgiveness, live life full of meditation. However, as long as we do not surrender ourselves with the fact that I do not deserve anything in this life... we will never get it.

I guess that's why the narrow road to heaven... is really NARROW.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

What is God's Intervention?

A dear friend of mine told me that her Dad just contracted cancer. She's a christian but her father isn't. When asking about where is God in the picture, we think about how through prayers, we can obtain 2 things:
1) her father can get healed from cancer, then believe in God and eventually go to heaven.
2) her father can obtain salvation and go to heaven.

Question is, which is better, get healing (prayers answered), then believe or get salvation and then still die and go to heaven?

I always thought the latter is more cruel, but come to think of it, unless there is something that has to be done but not yet done... why not die and go to heaven for a better life?

I recently learn that perhaps sometimes, we fall sick/disease strucked not because of God. Rather, it could be that Satan/the devil, who bring in this sickness and problem, and therefore, when we pray for healing, we're asking God to intervene to the situation and allowing His glory to shine because He was the one who healed the sick.

bottom-line, we ought to pray. The prayer should come with an attitude of surrender and not entitlement. Because the truth is, the only thing we're entitled to is, we're entitled to rely on God for everything in our lives.