Saturday, July 19, 2008

Lessons Learnt from Games and Facial

I experienced that through playing games, one can learn the social skills necessary to go through life. I must say though, that one can get too engrossed to the point of forgetting the real identity of his or her own life!

I know of a guy who spent his life playing games. He turned out 'not-well' because of the way he led his games. He was the best, he thought highly of himself, and he feels like a champion through-out all the games that he plays. Generally, if he plays something, he must be the best, else he will not rest.

But life ain't like that. The Chinese has a saying, 'yi-shan-hai-you-bi-yi-shan-gao', one mountain, will always have another mountain higher, in direct translation. Something I thought applicable only in very tangible items such as wealth, intellect or skills. Eg, if you are good in programming, there is bound to be someone better than you.

Yet the truth hits home nearer than I thought! While going through life, in little things like understanding how to do facial, how the supermarket leases their space to the suppliers, how the political arena can be so un-fair, shows but one thing about knowledge; I can never know enough! And true to the saying, even though mountains to mountains, the himalayas reign, each will bore a story unique to its own. Though tall, it may be tall no more when its eroded.

Therefore, I learnt in life, generally, I ought not to aim to be the smartest...nor the most capable, nor most knowledgeable. What's most important that I should be focusing on, is knowing how to help others, how to work with others, how to learn from others, so that one can live a more joyful, meaningful and loving life!

Of course through all these, God is glorified!
(no wonder I have been losing in all my Dota games, trashed in my Travian Games..)

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