Monday, July 28, 2008

Learning about 'how to measure life'

I watched the bucket list, well, the better end of it actually. I split the show up to 2 due to time constraint, and inputs into my mind, so that I can process it a little.

How do you want to measure life? Some say by faith, some, by love... For the author, its by people who are measured by him. I gave some thought to it, I guess mine will be measured by how God thinks of me.

Now is that faith? Is that obedience to His commandments (a.k.a. by law)? Or by a higher-standing, un-measurable and un-thinkable no matter the results...

The Egyptian heaven, as I learnt from the show, asks everyone who are about to enter 2 questions:
1) Have you had Joy in your life?
2) Have you made Joy in other peoples' lives?
My thought is: If life is all about my joy or other peoples' joy, we'll die 'an almost broken' man because all his life, joy will stand waiting in front of him, but he never got it only-till the moments he's about to die.

I realize one thing while writing these thoughts, some people may like to measure by what they see/feel or experience. Some others, with things un-seen and un-felt, simply because they do not have the opportunity to be what they want to be measured with.

For me, I know, I want to be measured not with the moments I have not lived, but by each moments I spent. I want to know that at each passing moment, I live like God's grace coats me under, brought me back up, and only with grace... I will live a life measured to my 100%, a life worth living!

Challenge is... can I maintain to live out this life the next 60 years...

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