Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What does it mean to 'en-Courage'

I learnt today while sharing to my friend about what does courage mean to me.
Courage, in my opinion, is measured by how you make a certain decision, when faced with a difficult situation that requires one to Flee, Fight or be indifferent.
I guess like what my friend once told me, it's easy to carry out a decision. But it's often much harder to count-the-cost to make one.

My friend, whom I was having dinner with, had an interesting definition of courage!
It comes from the word 'EnCourage', where one Enables Courage for another.

I asked myself, how do I feel when I get encouraged. I guess that's the same feeling I ought to have when I need to display courage, even when nobody enables me to feel that way. I enable myself, to have a feeling of encouragement.. That's encourage for him.

Question is, when I do get encourage, does it really enable me to do something greater than norm? Because that's what people with courage do...

Some thoughts to ponder huh...

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